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执行程序 | 产品名称 | 详细说明 | 开发公司 | 执行方式 | 流行程度 |
coffee.exe | CoffeeCup HTML Editor | CoffeeCup Software | Edit, Edit In CoffeeCup HTML Editor | Low | |
doxillion.exe | Doxillion | Doxillion Document Converter | NCH Software | Convert with Doxillion | Low |
Dreamweaver.exe | Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 | Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 | Adobe Systems, Inc. | Edit with Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 | Low |
iexplore.exe | Windows®Internet Explorer | Internet Explorer | Microsoft Corporation | Open in Same Window, Open | Low |
mshtml.dll | Windows®Internet Explorer | Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer | Microsoft Corporation | printto | Low |
msohtmed.exe | Microsoft Office 2010 | Microsoft Office 2010 component | Microsoft Corporation | Low | |
msohtmed.exe | Microsoft Office 2003 | Microsoft Office 2003 component | Microsoft Corporation | Edit, Print | Low |
notepad.exe | System operacyjny Microsoft®Windows | Notatnik | Microsoft Corporation | edit | Low |
notepad.exe | Microsoft®Windows®Operating System | Notepad | Microsoft Corporation | edit | Very High |
notepad.exe | Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Operating System | Notepad | Microsoft Corporation | edit | Low |
notepad.exe | Microsoft®Windows®Operating System | Notepad | Microsoft Corporation | edit | Low |
notepad.exe | AkelPad | AkelPad (x86) text editor | edit | Low | |
notepad.exe | Sistema operacional Microsoft®Windows | Bloco de notas | Microsoft Corporation | edit | Low |
notepad.exe | Operativsystemet Microsoft®Windows | Anteckningar | Microsoft Corporation | edit | Low |
notepad.exe | Besturingssysteem Microsoft®Windows | Kladblok | Microsoft Corporation | edit | Low |
notepad.exe | Sistema operativo Microsoft®Windows | Bloc de notas | Microsoft Corporation | edit | Medium |
notepad.exe | Betriebssystem Microsoft®Windows | Editor | Microsoft Corporation | edit | Medium |
notepad.exe | edit | Low | |||
pdfcreator.exe | PDFCreator | PDFCreator | pdfforge http://www.pdfforge.org/ | Erzeuge PDF und Bilddateien mit PDFCreator | Low |
SumatraPDF.exe | SumatraPDF | SumatraPDF | Krzysztof Kowalczyk | Open, Print, PrintTo | Low |
winfxdocobj.exe | Windows®Internet Explorer | WinFX Runtime Components | Microsoft Corporation | open | Very High |
winfxdocobj.exe | WindowsR Internet Explorer | WinFX Runtime Components | Microsoft Corporation | open | Low |
winfxdocobj.exe | Windows®Internet Explorer | WinFX Runtime Components | Microsoft Corporation | open | Low |
xpsrchvw.exe | Betriebssystem Microsoft®Windows | XPS-Viewer | Microsoft Corporation | open, print | Medium |
xpsrchvw.exe | Microsoft®Windows®Operating System | XPS Viewer | Microsoft Corporation | Open, print | Very High |
xpsrchvw.exe | Sistema operativo Microsoft®Windows | XPS Viewer | Microsoft Corporation | open, print | Low |
xpsrchvw.exe | Microsoft®Windows®Operating System | XPS Viewer | Microsoft Corporation | open, print | Medium |
XPSViewer.exe | Microsoft®.NET Framework | XPSViewer.exe | Microsoft Corporation | Open | Low |
XPSViewer.exe | Software Imaging PrintMagicXPS | Software Imaging XPS Viewer | Software Imaging | Open | Low |
分类名 | 详细说明 | Perceived Type | 内容类型 | DLL/EXE File | DLL/EXE Details | 流行程度 |
htmlfile | HTML Document | application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument | iexplore.exe | Internet Explorer, Microsoft Corporation | Low | |
Windows.XPSReachViewer | XPS Document | application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument | xpsrchvw.exe | XPS Viewer, Microsoft Corporation | Very High | |
XPSViewer.Document | application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument | Low | ||||
XPSViewer.Document | XPS document | application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument | Very High | |||
XPSViewer.xps | XML Paper Specification | _6FEFF9B68218417F98F549.exe | Low |
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