


本工具收集各类扩展名文件,一共有8000多种,通过查找能够方便知道各种文件的所属格式,以及它的打开方式。遇到自己不清楚的类型文件,试试该工具。可以方便查到能够编辑该文件的工具。 华纳云_CN2物理服务器688元/月_5M CN2云16元/月


常见文件格式: acw   eml   fli   gra   m2t   m4v   mav   mmw   msi   obt   ogm   orf   p7b   ppt   r05   r18   ra   shs   smi   sog  


debut.exe Debut Video Capture SoftwareNCH SoftwareConvert video fileLow
DivX Plus Player.exeDivX PlayerDivX Plus Player openLow
GOM.exeGOM PlayerGOM PlayerGretech Corp.Add to GOM Player, openMedium
HPVideoViewer.exeHP Video ViewerHP Video ViewerCyberLink Corp.OpenLow
ImgBurn.exeImgBurnImgBurn - The Ultimate Image Burner!LIGHTNING UK!Burn using ImgBurnLow
KMPlayer.exeThe KMPlayerThe KMPlayerPandora.TVEnqueue in KMP, open, Play in KMPMedium
MediaInfo.exeMediaInfoRead info about media fileshttp://mediainfo.sourceforge.netMediaInfoMedium
mpc-hc.exeMedia Player Classic - Home CinemaMedia Player Classic - Home Cinemampc-hc@SourceforgeAdd to MPC playlist, Play with MPCHigh
mpc-hc.exe   openLow
mpc-hc64.exeMedia Player Classic - Home CinemaMedia Player Classic - Home CinemaMPC-HC TeamAdd to MPC-HC Playlist, Play with MPC-HCLow
mpc-hc64.exeMedia Player Classic - HomecinemaMedia Player Classic - Homecinemampc-hc@SourceforgeAdd to MPC Playlist, Play with MPCLow
mplayerc.exeMedia Player ClassicMedia Player ClassicGabestPlay with MPC, Queue with MPCLow
mplayerc.exeMedia Player Classic - HomecinemaMedia Player Classic - Homecinemampc-hc@SourceforgeopenLow
PDVDLaunchPolicy.exePDVDLaunchPolicy ApplicationPDVDLaunchPolicy ApplicationCyberLink Corp.OpenLow
PotPlayerMini64.exe   Add to PotPlayer playlist (I), open, Play with PotPlayer (P)Low
PowerDVD.exePowerDVDPowerDVDCyberLink Corp.Play with PowerDVDLow
prism.exe Prism Video ConverterNCH SoftwareConvert with Prism Video File Converter, Edit video file, Convert with Prism Video File ConverterMedium
ShowTime.exeNero ShowTimeNero ShowTimeNero AGPlayLow
smplayer.exe   openLow
smplayer_portable.exe   Enqueue in SMPlayer, openLow
SuperDVD.exe   openLow
vlc.exeVLC media playerVLC media playerthe VideoLAN TeamAdd to VLC media player's Playlist, Play, Play with VLC media playerHigh
vlc.exe VLC media playerthe VideoLAN TeamAdd to VLC media player's Playlist, Play, Play with VLC media playerVery High
wavepad.exe WavePad Sound EditorNCH SoftwareBatch Convert with WavePad Sound Editor, Edit with WavePad Sound EditorLow
wavepad.exeWavePadWavePad Sound EditorNCH SoftwareConvert video file, Edit video fileLow
WinDVD.exeWinDVD ApplicationWinDVD MFC ApplicationInterVideo Inc.open, playLow
wmplayer.exeBetriebssystem Microsoft®WindowsWindows Media PlayerMicrosoft Corporationopen, PlayLow
wmplayer.exeMicrosoft®Windows®Operating SystemWindows Media PlayerMicrosoft Corporationopen, PlayLow
wmplayer.exeSistema operativo Microsoft®WindowsWindows Media PlayerMicrosoft CorporationApri, PlayLow


分类名详细说明Perceived Type内容类型DLL/EXE FileDLL/EXE Details流行程度
 DVD filevideo   Low
BSPlayerFile.VOBVOB Filevideo PDVDLaunchPolicy.exePDVDLaunchPolicy Application, CyberLink Corp.Low
BSPlayerFile.VOBBSplayer PRO file  bsplayer.exeBS.Player, WebtehLow
divx_vob_fileVOB Filevideo DivX Plus Player.exe Low
GomPlayer.vobGOM Media files(.vob)  icon.dll Low
GomPlayer.vobGOM Media file(.vob)  icon.dll Medium
HPMSVideo.VOBVOB Filevideo HPVideoViewer.exeHP Video Viewer, CyberLink Corp.Low
KLCP.BSP.vob video   Low
KLCP.WMP.vobDVD VOB Filevideovideo/mpegimageres.dllWindows Image Resource, Microsoft CorporationLow
KMPlayer.vobKMP - DVD Movie File  KIconLib.dll Medium
KMPlayer.vob video   Low
LAV4.VOBLight Alloy - DVD Video Object Media Filevideo XPlite.icl Low
mpegFileFilmklip  wmplayer.exeWindows Media Player, Microsoft CorporationLow
mpegFileFilmato  wmploc.dllRisorse di Windows Media Player, Microsoft CorporationLow
mplayerc.vob videovideo/mpeg  Low
mplayerc.vobDVD file  mpciconlib.dll Medium
mplayerc.vobVOB Filevideovideo/mpegmpciconlib.dll Medium
mplayerc.vobDVD VOB Filevideovideo/mpegmpciconlib.dll Medium
mplayerc.vobDVD-Videovideovideo/mpegmpciconlib.dll Low
MPlayerFileVideoMPlayer Video File  smplayer_portable.exe Low
NeroShowTime.Files7.vobDVD Movievideo ShowTime.exeNero ShowTime, Nero AGLow
NeroShowTime.Files8.vobFilme em DVD  ShowTime.exeNero ShowTime, Nero AGLow
NeroShowTime.Files9.vobWindows Media Playervideo wmploc.DLLWindows Media Player-Ressourcen, Microsoft CorporationLow
NeroShowTime.Files9.vobDVD Movie    Low
NeroShowTime.Files9.vobFilmato DVDvideo ShowTime.exeNero ShowTime, Nero AGLow
PDVD10VOBfile videovideo/mpeg  Low
PDVD8VOBfileVOB Datei  PowerDVD8.exePowerDVD 8.0, CyberLink Corp.Low
PDVD9VOBfileVLC media file (.vob)videovideo/mpegvlc.exeVLC media player, the VideoLAN TeamLow
PDVDfileMPEG Filevideo PowerDVD.exePowerDVD, CyberLink Corp.Low
PotPlayerMini64.VOBVOB - DVD video filesvideo PotIcons64.dll Low
qvodplayer.vob   QvodRes.dll Low
VLC.vobDVD Datei  mpciconlib.dllMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema Icon Library, MPC-HC TeamLow
VLC.vobDVD-Video  mpciconlib.dllMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema Icon Library, MPC-HC TeamLow
VLC.vobVLC media file (.vob)videovideo/mpegvlc.exeVLC media player, the VideoLAN TeamVery High
vobfileVOB File  PowerDVD.exePowerDVD, CyberLink Corp.Low
vobfileDVD file  mpciconlib.dllMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema Icon Library, MPC-HC TeamLow
vobfileVLC media file (.vob)videovideo/mpegvlc.exeVLC media player, VideoLAN TeamLow
vobfileDVD Video Filevideovideo/mpeg  Low
vobFile videovideo/mpeg  Medium
vob_auto_fileVOB File  wmploc.DLLWindows Media Player Resources, Microsoft CorporationLow
VOB_conch_fileSuperDVD VOB Files    Low


actproj   atx   awses   axa   cmap   cso   flashfxp_picon   foldersharelibrary   maplet   mn2   otf   p25   plt   prexport   r1m   sbe   wpl   yml   zx36   89r  
