华纳云_CN2物理服务器688元/月_5M CN2云16元/月
执行程序 | 产品名称 | 详细说明 | 开发公司 | 执行方式 | 流行程度 |
ACDSee32.exe | ACDSee 32 for Windows 95/NT | ACDSee 32 for Windows 95/98/2000/NT | ACD Systems, Ltd. | Mit ACDSee drucken, Open | Low |
ACDSee5.exe | ACDSee | ACDSee | ACD Systems, Ltd. | Print with ACDSee, Open with ACDSee | Low |
ACDSee8Pro.exe | ACDSee Pro | ACDSee Pro Application | ACD Systems Ltd. | Bearbeiten mit ACDSee Pro, Drucken mit ACDSee Pro, Importieren mit ACDSee Pro | Low |
ACDSeeQV12.exe | ACDSee Photo Manager 12 | ACDSee Photo Manager 12 | ACD Systems International Inc. | Mit ACDSee Foto-Manager 12 bearbeiten, Mit ACDSee Foto-Manager 12 drucken, Mit ACDSee Foto-Manager 12 ansehen | Low |
ACDSeeQVPro2.exe | ACDSee Quick View | ACDSee Pro 2 Photo Manager | ACD Systems | Edit with ACDSee Pro 2, Print with ACDSee Pro 2, Open with ACDSee Pro 2 | Low |
ACDSeeQVPro4.exe | ACDSee Quick View | ACDSee Pro 4 | ACD Systems International Inc. | Process with ACDSee Pro 4, Print with ACDSee Pro 4, View with ACDSee Pro 4 | Low |
chrome.exe | Google Chrome | Google Chrome | Google Inc. | open | Low |
codedcolor.exe | CodedColor PhotoStudio | CodedColor PhotoStudio | 1STEIN GmbH | Edit with CodedColor, Browse with CodedColor, Open, Preview | Low |
Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo.exe | Paint Shop Pro XI | Paint Shop Pro XI | Corel, Inc. | Open | Low |
doxillion.exe | Doxillion | Doxillion Document Converter | NCH Software | Convert image file, Create slideshow | Low |
Explorer.exe | System operacyjny Microsoft®Windows | Eksplorator Windows | Microsoft Corporation | setdesktopwallpaper | Low |
Explorer.exe | Sistema operativo Microsoft®Windows | Esplora risorse | Microsoft Corporation | setdesktopwallpaper | Low |
Explorer.exe | Microsoft®Windows®Operating System | Windows Explorer | Microsoft Corporation | setdesktopwallpaper | Very High |
Explorer.exe | Microsoft®Windows®Operating System | Windows Explorer | Microsoft Corporation | setdesktopwallpaper | Low |
Explorer.exe | Betriebssystem Microsoft®Windows | Windows-Explorer | Microsoft Corporation | setdesktopwallpaper | Medium |
Fireworks.exe | Fireworks | Adobe Fireworks CS3 | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Open | Low |
FSViewer.exe | open | Medium | |||
gimp-2.6.exe | Edit with GIMP, Edit with GIMP | High | |||
gimp-2.8.exe | GNU Image Manipulation Program | GNU Image Manipulation Program | Spencer Kimball, Peter Mattis and the GIMP Development Team | Edit with GIMP | Low |
gimp-win-remote.exe | Edit with the GIMP | Low | |||
HPPhotoViewer.exe | HP Photo Viewer | HP Photo Viewer | Hewlett-Packard Corp. | Open | Low |
iexplore.exe | WindowsR Internet Explorer | Internet Explorer | Microsoft Corporation | Open | Low |
iexplore.exe | Windows®Internet Explorer | Internet Explorer | Microsoft Corporation | open | Very High |
iexplore.exe | Windows®Internet Explorer | Internet Explorer | Microsoft Corporation | Open | Medium |
iexplore.exe | Microsoft®Windows®Operating System | Internet Explorer | Microsoft Corporation | open | Low |
iexplore.exe | Microsoft(R) Windows (R) 2000 Operating System | Microsoft Internet Explorer | Microsoft Corporation | open | Low |
inventoria.exe | Inventoria Stock Manager | NCH Software | Convert image file, Create slideshow | Low | |
i_view32.exe | IrfanView | IrfanView | Irfan Skiljan | open | High |
i_view32.exe | open | Low | |||
JShot.exe | JShot | JShot Editor | Open with JShot, Upload with JShot | Low | |
MaxView.exe | open | Low | |||
MediaInfo.exe | MediaInfo | Read info about media files | | MediaInfo | Low |
mspaint.exe | Microsoft®Windows®Operating System | Paint | Microsoft Corporation | edit, print, printto | Low |
OIS.EXE | Microsoft Office Picture Manager | Microsoft Office Picture Manager | Microsoft Corporation | Edit, Open, Preview | Low |
OIS.EXE | Microsoft Office 2010 | Microsoft Office 2010 | Microsoft Corporation | Edit, Open, Preview | Low |
PHOTOED.EXE | Microsoft Photo Editor | Microsoft Photo Editor | Microsoft Corporation | Imprimare, Printto | Low |
Photoshop.exe | Adobe Photoshop CS4 | Adobe Photoshop CS4 | Adobe Systems, Incorporated | Edit in PS CS4 | Low |
PhotoSnapViewer.exe | Nero Photosnap Viewer | Nero Photosnap Image Viewer | Nero AG | Open | Low |
PhotoViewer.dll | Microsoft®Windows®Operating System | Windows Photo Viewer | Microsoft Corporation | open, print | Low |
PicasaPhotoViewer.exe | Open, Preview, Upload to Web Albums... | Low | |||
PicasaPhotoViewer.exe | Picasa Photo Viewer | Picasa Photo Viewer | Google Inc. | Open, Preview, Subir a lbumes web... | Medium |
pixillion.exe | Pixillion Image Converter | NCH Software | Convert with Pixillion, Create slideshow, Convert with Pixillion | Low | |
rundll32.exe | Besturingssysteem Microsoft®Windows | Windows-hostproces (Rundll32) | Microsoft Corporation | printto | Low |
rundll32.exe | Microsoft®Windows®Operating System | Windows host process (Rundll32) | Microsoft Corporation | printto | Very High |
rundll32.exe | Sistema operativo Microsoft®Windows | Processo host di Windows (Rundll32) | Microsoft Corporation | printto | Low |
rundll32.exe | Betriebssystem Microsoft®Windows | Windows-Hostprozess (Rundll32) | Microsoft Corporation | printto | Medium |
shimgvw.dll | Betriebssystem Microsoft®Windows | Windows Bild- und Faxanzeige | Microsoft Corporation | open, printto | Medium |
shimgvw.dll | Sistema operativo Microsoft®Windows | Visualizzatore immagini e fax per Windows | Microsoft Corporation | printto | Low |
shimgvw.dll | Sistema operacional Microsoft®Windows | Visualizador de imagens e fax do Windows | Microsoft Corporation | printto | Low |
shimgvw.dll | Microsoft®Windows®Operating System | Windows Picture and Fax Viewer | Microsoft Corporation | open, printto | Very High |
vrs.exe | VRS Recording System | NCH Software | Convert image file | Low | |
wavepad.exe | WavePad | WavePad Sound Editor | NCH Software | Convert image file, Create slideshow | Low |
WLXPhotoGallery.exe | Windows Live®Photo Gallery | Windows Live Photo Gallery | Microsoft Corporation | open, preview | Low |
wThumb.exe | wThumb | wThumb | Team Ikaria | open | Low |
xnview.exe | XnView | XnView for Windows | XnView, | open | Low |
分类名 | 详细说明 | Perceived Type | 内容类型 | DLL/EXE File | DLL/EXE Details | 流行程度 |
11892_auto_file | image | image/gif | Low | |||
ACDC_GIF | IrfanView GIF File | image | image/gif | ACDSee32.exe | ACDSee 32 for Windows 95/98/2000/NT, ACD Systems, Ltd. | Low |
ACDSee Pro.gif | ACDSee Pro GIF Bild | image | image/gif | IDE_ACDStd.apl | IDE_ACDStd, ACD Systems, Ltd. | Low |
ACDSee.gif | ACDSee GIF Image | image | image/gif | IDE_ACDStd.apl | IDE_ACDStd, ACD Systems, Ltd. | Low |
FastStone.gif | FastStone GIF File | image | image/gif | FSIcons.db | Low | |
FastStoneMV.gif | image | image/gif | FSMVIcons.db | Low | ||
Fireworks.gif | Adobe Fireworks GIF File | image | image/gif | Adobe_ID0EPAAG | Low | |
giffile | Imagine GIF | image | image/gif | PEicons.exe | Low | |
giffile | Imagem no formato GIF | image | image/gif | shimgvw.dll | Visualizador de imagens e fax do Windows, Microsoft Corporation | Low |
giffile | IrfanView GIF File | image | image/gif | i_view32.exe | IrfanView, Irfan Skiljan | Low |
giffile | Immagine GIF | image | image/gif | shimgvw.dll | Visualizzatore immagini e fax per Windows, Microsoft Corporation | Low |
giffile | Obraz GIF | image | image/gif | PEicons.exe | Low | |
giffile | GIF-Bild | image | image/gif | shimgvw.dll | Windows Bild- und Faxanzeige, Microsoft Corporation | Medium |
giffile | FastStone GIF File | image | image/gif | FSIcons.db | Low | |
giffile | ACDSee Pro 4 GIF Image | image | image/gif | IDE_ACDStd.apl | IDE_ACDStd, ACD Systems | Low |
giffile | ACDSee Photo Manager 12 GIF Image | image | image/gif | IDE_ACDStd.apl | IDE_ACDStd, ACD Systems | Low |
giffile | image | image/gif | shimgvw.dll | Windows Bild- und Faxanzeige, Microsoft Corporation | Medium | |
giffile | ACDSee Pro 2.0 GIF Image | image | image/gif | IDE_ACDStd.apl | IDE_ACDStd, ACD Systems, Ltd. | Low |
giffile | GIF Image | image | image/gif | shimgvw.dll | Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, Microsoft Corporation | Very High |
gifFile_IconLover | image | image/gif | Low | |||
GIMP-2.0-gif | Compuserve GIF | image | image/gif | gimp-2.6.exe | Low | |
Google.PhotoViewer.3.0 | image | image/gif | PicasaPhotoViewer.exe | Picasa Photo Viewer, Google Inc. | Low | |
HPMSPhoto.GIF | GIF File | image | image/gif | HPPhotoViewer.exe | HP Photo Viewer, Hewlett-Packard Corp. | Low |
IrfanView.GIF | Graphics Interchange Format | image | image/gif | gif1.ico | Low | |
IrfanView.gif | IrfanView GIF File | image | image/gif | i_view32.exe | IrfanView, Irfan Skiljan | High |
mplayerc.jpeg | image | image/gif | Low | |||
NeroPhotoSnapViewer.Files7.gif | Graphics Interchange Format Image | image | image/gif | PhotoSnapViewer.exe | Nero Photosnap Image Viewer, Nero AG | Low |
NeroPhotoSnapViewer.Files9.gif | image | image/gif | Low | |||
NeroPhotoSnapViewer.Files9.gif | ACDSee Foto-Manager 12 GIF Bild | image | image/gif | IDE_ACDStd.apl | IDE_ACDStd, ACD Systems | Low |
OISgiffile | Imagem GIF | image | image/gif | OIS.EXE | Microsoft Office Picture Manager, Microsoft Corporation | Low |
OISgiffile | GIF Image | image | image/gif | OIS.EXE | Microsoft Office 2010, Microsoft Corporation | Low |
OISgiffile | image | image/gif | OIS.EXE | Microsoft Office Picture Manager, Microsoft Corporation | Low | |
OISgiffile | Imagen GIF | image | image/gif | OIS.EXE | Microsoft Office Picture Manager, Microsoft Corporation | Low |
PaintShopProPhotoXI.Image | Paint Shop Pro Photo XI Image | image | image/gif | Low | ||
PaintShopProStudio1.Image | image | image/gif | Low | |||
SageThumbsImage.gif | CompuServe GIF | image | image/gif | imageres.dll | Windows Image Resource, Microsoft Corporation | Low |
ThumbsPlusPic | FastStone GIF File | image | image/gif | FSIcons.db | Low | |
XnView.gif | image | image/gif | xnview.exe | XnView for Windows, XnView, | Low |
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