华纳云_CN2物理服务器688元/月_5M CN2云16元/月
执行程序 | 产品名称 | 详细说明 | 开发公司 | 执行方式 | 流行程度 |
acad.exe | AutoCAD | AutoCAD Application | Autodesk, Inc. | open | Low |
AcLauncher.exe | AutoCAD | AutoCAD DWG Launcher | Autodesk | open, print, printto | Medium |
acsignopt.exe | AcSignOpt Module | AcSignOpt Module | Autodesk | Enable/Disable Digital Signature Icons | Low |
acsignopt.exe | AutoCAD | AutoCAD component | Autodesk, Inc. | Enable/Disable Digital Signature Icons | Low |
doxillion.exe | Doxillion | Doxillion Document Converter | NCH Software | Convert image file, Create slideshow | Low |
DWGEDI~1.EXE | DWGeditor(TM) 2009 | DWGeditor(TM) 2009 Application | SolidWorks Corporation | Open with DWGeditor, print, printto | Low |
gimp-2.6.exe | Edit with GIMP | Low | |||
ImgBurn.exe | ImgBurn | ImgBurn - The Ultimate Image Burner! | LIGHTNING UK! | Brennen mit ImgBurn | Low |
Paint Shop Pro 9.exe | Paint Shop Pro 9 | Paint Shop Pro 9 | Jasc Software, Inc. | open | Low |
Paint Shop Pro.exe | Paint Shop Pro 8 | Paint Shop Pro 8 | Jasc Software, Inc. | Open | Low |
pdfcreator.exe | PDFCreator | PDFCreator | pdfforge http://www.pdfforge.org/ | Erzeuge PDF und Bilddateien mit PDFCreator | Low |
Thumbs9.exe | ThumbsPlus | ThumbsPlus | Cerious Software Inc. | open | Low |
分类名 | 详细说明 | Perceived Type | 内容类型 | DLL/EXE File | DLL/EXE Details | 流行程度 |
AutoCAD.Drawing.16 | AutoCAD Drawing | acadficn16.dll | acadficn, Autodesk, Inc. | Low | ||
AutoCAD.Drawing.17 | AutoCAD Drawing | acadficn.dll | acadficn, Autodesk, Inc. | Low | ||
AutoCAD.Drawing.18 | AutoCAD Drawing | acadficn.dll | acadficn, Autodesk, Inc. | Low | ||
AutoCAD.Drawing.18 | AutoCAD-Zeichnung | image/vnd.dwg | acadficn.dll | acadficn, Autodesk, Inc. | Low | |
DWGEditor.Drawing | DWGeditor Drawing | DWGEditor.exe | DWGeditor(TM) 2009 Application, SolidWorks Corporation | Low | ||
PaintShopPro8.Image | Paint Shop Pro Image | _C3EF9CB7_27C6_4BBE_B600_402AF1BD8EBB | Low | |||
PaintShopPro9.Image | Paint Shop Pro 9 Image | Low | ||||
ThumbsPlusPic | ThumbsPlus Picture | vector/x-dwg | Low |
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