


本工具收集各类扩展名文件,一共有8000多种,通过查找能够方便知道各种文件的所属格式,以及它的打开方式。遇到自己不清楚的类型文件,试试该工具。可以方便查到能够编辑该文件的工具。 华纳云_CN2物理服务器688元/月_5M CN2云16元/月


常见文件格式: api   asl   bfc   dcs   doc   h1q   hta   hxk   ini   job   mav   miz   mod   nr3   ogm   r23   rc2   sid   svg   vst  


Adobe Media Player.exe   openMedium
amp.exeApplian FLV and Media PlayerApplian FLV and Media PlayerApplian Technologies IncAdd to Applian FLV and Media Player's Playlist, Play, Play with Applian FLV and Media PlayerLow
FLVPlayer.exe   openMedium
Free FLV Player.exeFree FLV Player 1.8Free FLV Player 1.8Tonec IncOpen Width Free FLV PlayerLow
GOM.exeGOM PlayerGOM PlayerGretech Corp.Add to GOM Player, openMedium
ImgBurn.exeImgBurnImgBurn - The Ultimate Image Burner!LIGHTNING UK!Burn using ImgBurnLow
i_view32.exeIrfanViewIrfanViewIrfan SkiljanopenLow
KMPlayer.exeThe KMPlayerThe KMPlayerPandora.TVEnqueue in KMP, open, Play in KMPMedium
ledtv.exe   openLow
MediaInfo.exeMediaInfoRead info about media fileshttp://mediainfo.sourceforge.netMediaInfoMedium
mpc-hc.exe   openLow
mpc-hc.exeMedia Player Classic - Home CinemaMedia Player Classic - Home Cinemampc-hc@SourceforgeAdd to MPC playlist, Play with MPCHigh
mpc-hc64.exeMedia Player Classic - Home CinemaMedia Player Classic - Home CinemaMPC-HC TeamAdd to MPC-HC Playlist, Play with MPC-HCLow
mplayerc.exeMedia Player Classic - HomecinemaMedia Player Classic - Homecinemampc-hc@SourceforgeAdd to MPC Playlist, Play with MPCMedium
mplayerc.exeMedia Player ClassicMedia Player ClassicGabestAdd to MPC Playlist, Play with MPCMedium
PotPlayerMini64.exe   Add to PotPlayer playlist (I), open, Play with PotPlayer (P)Low
prism.exe Prism Video File ConverterNCH SoftwareConvert with Prism Video File Converter, Convert with Prism Video File ConverterLow
RealPlay.exeRealPlayer (32-bit)RealPlayerRealNetworks, Inc.openMedium
ShowTime.exeNero ShowTimeNero ShowTimeNero AGAbspielenLow
smplayer.exe   openLow
smplayer_portable.exe   Enqueue in SMPlayer, openLow
vlc.exe VLC media playerthe VideoLAN TeamAdd to VLC media player's Playlist, Play, Play with VLC media playerHigh
vlc.exeVLC media playerVLC media playerthe VideoLAN TeamAdd to VLC media player's Playlist, Play, Play with VLC media playerHigh
winamp.exeWinampWinampNullsoftEnqueue in Winamp, Add to Winamp's Bookmark list, open, Play in WinampMedium
wmplayer.exeMicrosoft®Windows®Operating SystemWindows Media PlayerMicrosoft Corporationopen, PlayMedium


分类名详细说明Perceived Type内容类型DLL/EXE FileDLL/EXE Details流行程度
 Flash Video file    Low
Any FLV Player.Document   FlvPlayer.exe Low
ApplianMP.flvApplian media file (.flv)  amp.exeApplian FLV and Media Player, Applian Technologies IncLow
BSPlayerFile.FLVBSplayer PRO file  bsplayer.exeBS.Player, WebtehLow
BSPlayerFile.FLVIrfanView FLV File  i_view32.exeIrfanView, Irfan SkiljanLow
com.adobe.flvVideo for Flash video/x-flvAdobe Media Player.exe Low
com.adobe.flv videovideo/x-flvrealplay.exeRealPlayer, RealNetworks, Inc.Low
com.adobe.flvFLV Video for Flash Playervideovideo/x-flvFlash.exeAdobe Flash CS4, Adobe Systems Incorporated.Medium
Flash.VideoFile     Medium
Flash.VideoFileGOM Media file(.flv)  icon.dll Low
FlashPlayer.VideoForFlashPlayer   SAFlashPlayer.exeMacromedia Flash Player 8.0 r42, Macromedia, Inc.Low
FlashVideo.FlashVideo     Low
flvFile videovideo/x-flv  Low
flvfileFLV Filevideo   Medium
flv_auto_file video   Low
flv_auto_fileWindows Media Player  wmploc.DLLWindows Media Player Resources, Microsoft CorporationLow
GomPlayer.flvGOM Media files(.flv)  icon.dll Low
GomPlayer.flvGOM Media file(.flv)  icon.dll Medium
KLCP FLV File video   Low
KLCP.WMP.flvFlash Video Filevideovideo/x-flvwmplayer.exeWindows Media Player, Microsoft CorporationMedium
KMPlayer.flvKMP -Video Filevideovideo/x-flvKIconLib.dll Low
LAV4.FLVLight Alloy - Flash Video Media File  XPlite.icl Low
mplayerc.flvFlash Videovideo mpciconlib.dll Low
mplayerc.flvFlash Video Filevideo mpciconlib.dll High
mplayerc.flvVLC media file (.flv)video vlc.exeVLC media player, the VideoLAN TeamLow
MPlayerFileVideoFlash Video Formatvideo flv.ico Low
MPlayerFileVideoMPlayer Video File  smplayer_portable.exe Low
NeroShowTime.Files8.flvFash Video  ShowTime.exeNero ShowTime, Nero AGLow
NeroShowTime.Files9.flvFlash Video  ShowTime.exeNero ShowTime, Nero AGLow
NeroShowTime.Files9.flvFlash-Video  ShowTime.exeNero ShowTime, Nero AGLow
PotPlayerMini64.FLVFLV - Flash (FLV) video filesvideo PotIcons64.dll Low
qvodplayer.flv videovideo/x-flvQvodRes.dll Low
RealPlayer.FLV.6Flash Video Filevideovideo/x-flvmpciconlib.dll Low
RealPlayer.FLV.6Flash Videovideovideo/x-flvrealplay.exeRealPlayer, RealNetworks, Inc.Medium
Tonec.FreeFlvPlayerTonec Free FLV Player File    Low
VLC.flvFlash Video  mpciconlib.dllMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema Icon Library, MPC-HC TeamLow
VLC.flvFlash Video Datei videovideo/x-flvmpciconlib.dllMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema Icon Library, MPC-HC TeamLow
VLC.flv   vlc.exeVLC media player, the VideoLAN TeamLow
VLC.flvFLV File  icons.dllCodec Icons pack, Shark007Low
VLC.flvVLC media file (.flv)  vlc.exeVLC media player, the VideoLAN TeamVery High
Winamp.File.FLV     Low
Winamp.File.FLVFlash Video video/x-flvwinamp.exeWinamp, Nullsoft, Inc.Low
Winamp.File.FLVVP6 Flash Videovideo winamp.exeWinamp, NullsoftLow
WMP11.AssocFile.FLVGOM Media files(.flv)videovideo/mpegIcon.dll Low


aux   contact   edg   emt   ezconfig   h264   int   ngp   pal   pan   pdfs   pxr   r95   searchconnector-ms   sldm   sts   taguit   tpp   vue   8xn  
