


本工具收集各类扩展名文件,一共有8000多种,通过查找能够方便知道各种文件的所属格式,以及它的打开方式。遇到自己不清楚的类型文件,试试该工具。可以方便查到能够编辑该文件的工具。 华纳云_CN2物理服务器688元/月_5M CN2云16元/月


常见文件格式: emf   g3   hxa   hxe   idl   iff   maf   mdf   nuv   p7s   pmw   ps   qht   qpa   r13   rqy   tod   w64   wmf   wsf  


chrome.exeGoogle ChromeGoogle ChromeGoogle Inc.Open in ChromeLow
Dreamweaver.exeAdobe Dreamweaver CS4Adobe Dreamweaver CS4Adobe Systems, Inc.Edit with Adobe Dreamweaver CS4, OpenMedium
Dreamweaver.exeAdobe Dreamweaver CS5.5Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5Adobe Systems, Inc.Edit with Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5, OpenLow
Dreamweaver.exeAdobe Dreamweaver CS5Adobe Dreamweaver CS5Adobe Systems, Inc.Edit with Adobe Dreamweaver CS5, OpenLow
Dreamweaver.exeAdobe Dreamweaver CS3Adobe Dreamweaver CS3Adobe Systems, Inc.Edit with Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, OpenLow
Dreamweaver.exeMacromedia Dreamweaver MXDreamweaver MXMacromedia, Inc.Edit with Dreamweaver MX, OpenLow
ExpressionWeb.exeMicrosoft Expression Web 3Microsoft Expression Web 3Microsoft CorporationEdit, New, Edit with Microsoft Expression Web 3Medium
ExpressionWeb.exeMicrosoft Expression Web 4Microsoft Expression Web 4Microsoft CorporationEdit, New, Edit with Microsoft Expression Web 4Low
firefox.exeFirefoxFirefoxMozilla CorporationopenLow
iexplore.exeWindows®Internet ExplorerInternet ExplorerMicrosoft CorporationopenLow
notepad++.exeNotepad++Notepad++ : a free (GNU) source code editorDon HO don.h@free.fropenMedium
NOTEPAD.EXEBetriebssystem Microsoft®WindowsEditorMicrosoft Corporationedit, openLow
NOTEPAD.EXEMicrosoft®Windows®Operating SystemNotepadMicrosoft Corporationedit, openLow
NOTEPAD.EXE Notepad2 edit, openLow
NOTEPAD2.EXE Notepad2 edit, openLow
pdfcreator.exePDFCreatorPDFCreatorpdfforge http://www.pdfforge.org/Erzeuge PDF und Bilddateien mit PDFCreatorLow
pi.exeMicrosoft Digital Image 2006 EditorMicrosoft Digital Image 2006 EditorMicrosoft CorporationOpen, PrintLow
Uedit32.exeUltraEditUltraEdit Professional Text/Hex EditorIDM Computer Solutions, Inc.open, printLow
WORDPAD.EXEMicrosoft®Windows®Operating SystemWindows Wordpad ApplicationMicrosoft CorporationopenLow


分类名详细说明Perceived Type内容类型DLL/EXE FileDLL/EXE Details流行程度
ft000002php-Script  php_file.ico Low
Microsoft.Picture.It.Document.11Microsoft Digital Image Document  pi.exeMicrosoft Digital Image 2006 Editor, Microsoft CorporationLow
Notepad++_fileNotepad++ Document  notepad++.exeNotepad++ : a free (GNU) source code editor, Don HO don.h@free.frMedium
phpfilePHP Scripttext Dreamweaver.exeAdobe Dreamweaver CS4, Adobe Systems, Inc.High
phpfile   Dreamweaver.exeDreamweaver MX, Macromedia, Inc.Low
phpfilePHP Code    Low
php_auto_fileArchivo PHP  php.ico Low
php_auto_file     High
UltraEdit.php     Low
XWeb.php.3.0PHP Script Filetext Webber.dllMicrosoft Expression Web 3, Microsoft CorporationLow
XWeb.php.4.0PHP Script File  Webber.dllMicrosoft Expression Web 4, Microsoft CorporationLow


camproj   dinerdashsavedgame   f90   fem   fhq   flt   gcp   iab   j64   jnlp   kbtf   moc   mse-symbol   oas   rmp   scf_aq   wbd   xfd   xwc   053  
