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执行程序 | 产品名称 | 详细说明 | 开发公司 | 执行方式 | 流行程度 |
%1 | open, runas | Very High | |||
acsignopt.exe | AcSignOpt Module | AcSignOpt Module | Autodesk | Enable/Disable Digital Signature Icons | Low |
acsignopt.exe | AutoCAD | AutoCAD component | Autodesk, Inc. | Enable/Disable Digital Signature Icons | Low |
AppLoc.exe | Microsoft®Windows®Operating System | AppLocale | Microsoft Corporation | Run with Japanese locale | Low |
AppLocA.exe | Microsoft®Windows®Operating System | AppLocale | Microsoft Corporation | Run with Japanese locale as administrator | Low |
CalcResourceSum.exe | ResourceCalc | Low | |||
CFF Explorer.exe | CFF Explorer | Common File Format Explorer | Daniel Pistelli | Open with CFF Explorer | Low |
cmd.exe | Microsoft®Windows®Operating System | Windows Command Processor | Microsoft Corporation | Grant Admin Full Control, Take Ownership | Medium |
cmd.exe | Betriebssystem Microsoft®Windows | Windows-Befehlsprozessor | Microsoft Corporation | Eingabeaufforderung | Low |
DEPENDS.EXE | Dependency Walker | Dependency Walker for Win32 (Intel x86) | Microsoft Corporation | View Dependencies | Low |
dotNET_Reactor.exe | Product | .NET Reactor | EZIRIZ | Browse in .NET Reactor | Low |
mshta.exe | Windows®Internet Explorer | Microsoft (R) HTML Application host | Microsoft Corporation | Run as Another User | Low |
ollydbg.exe | OllyDbg | Free 32-bit Analysing Debugger | Softwareentwicklung Yuschuk | Open with OllyDbg 2.00 | Low |
OLLYDBG.EXE | OllyDbg, 32-bit analysing debugger | Open with OllyDbg | Low | ||
pec2.exe | PECompact console mode application | PECompact console mode application | Bitsum Technologies | Compress with PECompact (console) | Low |
pec2gui.exe | PECompact | PECompact GUI | Bitsum Technologies | Compress with PECompact (GUI) | Low |
PEiD.exe | Scan with PEiD | Low | |||
petgui.exe | Compress with Petite (GUI) | Low | |||
pexplorer.exe | PE Explorer | PE Explorer | Heaventools Software | Open with PE Explorer | Low |
Pic2Ico.exe | Extract icons | Low | |||
Reflector.exe | Red Gate's .NET Reflector | Red Gate's .NET Reflector | Browse with .NET Reflector | Low | |
Reflector.exe | Reflector | .NET Reflector | Red Gate Software Ltd. | Browse with .NET Reflector | Low |
register | Register | Low | |||
reshacker.exe | Resource viewer, decompiler & recompiler. | Open using Resource Hacker | Low | ||
Resourcer.exe | Anolis | Anolis Resourcer Program | Open with Anolis Resourcer | Low | |
SendToAdd.exe | Add to Send To menu | Low | |||
SendToRemove.exe | Remove from Send To menu | Low | |||
ShellRunas.exe | Sysinternals ShellRunAs | Run as different user | Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com | Run as different user (netonly)..., Run as different user... | Low |
Tu.exe | Total Uninstall | Total Uninstall - Installation monitor and uninstaller | Gavrila Martau | Monitor with Total Uninstall | Low |
u %1 | Unregister Application | Low | |||
uniextract.exe | Universal Extractor | UniExtract Files..., UniExtract Here, UniExtract to Subdir | Very High | ||
UniversalExtractorLKL.exe | LiberKey Launcher - Universal Extractor | LiberKey Launcher - Universal Extractor | LiberKey.com | Extract with Universal Extractor | Low |
unregister | UnRegister | Low | |||
upx.exe | UPX | UPX executable packer | The UPX Team http://upx.sf.net | Compress With UPX, Decompress With UPX, UPX Compress - The Best | Low |
urmain.exe | Your Uninstaller! Vista | Your Uninstaller! - New way to uninstall programs completely and easily. | URSoft,Inc | Uninstall with Your Uninstaller! | Medium |
winpatrol.exe | WinPatrol Monitor | WinPatrol System Monitor | BillP Studios | WinPatrol PLUS Info... | Low |
winpatrol.exe | WinPatrol PLUS Info... | Low |
分类名 | 详细说明 | Perceived Type | 内容类型 | DLL/EXE File | DLL/EXE Details | 流行程度 |
exefile | Program | application/x-msdownload | Low | |||
exefile | Application | application/x-msdownload | Very High | |||
exefile | Aplicativo | application/x-msdownload | Low | |||
exefile | Applicazione | application/x-msdownload | Low | |||
exefile | Anwendung | application/x-msdownload | Medium | |||
exefile | Aplikacja | application/x-msdownload | Low |
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