


本工具收集各类扩展名文件,一共有8000多种,通过查找能够方便知道各种文件的所属格式,以及它的打开方式。遇到自己不清楚的类型文件,试试该工具。可以方便查到能够编辑该文件的工具。 华纳云_CN2物理服务器688元/月_5M CN2云16元/月


常见文件格式: acs   cfg   ffo   fpx   gfs   h1d   jar   mdz   mkv   mp2   mrw   prc   rwz   scr   stc   ttf   wmx   xht   xmz   xpi  


AIMP3.exeAIMP3AIMP3AIMP DevTeamopenLow
Burrrn.exeBurrrnBurrrnGambit (burrrn@burrrn.net)OpenLow
cuecards.exeCUEcards®2000CUEcards®2000Marcus Humann Software-TechnikopenLow
CUE_Splitter.exe   openLow
daemon.exeDAEMON Tools LiteDAEMON Tools LiteDT Soft LtdopenLow
DiscCopier.exeDisc Copier ApplicationRoxio Disc CopierRoxioopenLow
DTAgent.exeDAEMON Tools ProDAEMON Tools Pro AgentDT Soft LtdopenLow
DTLite.exeDAEMON Tools LiteDAEMON Tools LiteDT Soft LtdopenMedium
DTProAgent.exeDAEMON Tools ProDAEMON Tools Pro AgentDT Soft LtdopenLow
foobar2000.exefoobar2000 Applicationfoobar2000 Enqueue in foobar2000, Open in foobar2000, Play in foobar2000Low
gBurner.exegBurnergBurnergBurner Systems, Inc.openLow
ImgBurn.exeImgBurnImgBurn - The Ultimate Image Burner!LIGHTNING UK!Burn using ImgBurnVery High
ImgBurn.exe   Burn using ImgBurnLow
infrarecorder.exeInfraRecorderInfraRecorderChristian KindahlopenLow
IsoBuster.exeIsoBusterThe Ultimate CD/DVD/BD Recovery toolSmart ProjectsExtract, openLow
LameXP.exeLameXPLameXP - Audio Encoder FrontendFree Software FoundationConvert this file with LameXPLow
nero.exeNero Burning ROMNero Burning ROMNero AGOpenHigh
Nero.exe   OpenLow
NeroExpress.exeNero ExpressNero ExpressNero AGApriLow
NeroExpress.exeNero Burning ROMNero Burning ROMNero AGOpenLow
RoxioCentralFx.exe Roxio Creator openLow
Roxio_Central33.exe Roxio Creator openMedium
Roxio_Central36.exe Roxio Creator openLow
uniextract.exe Universal Extractor UniExtract Files..., UniExtract Here, UniExtract to SubdirHigh
vlc.exeVLC media playerVLC media playerthe VideoLAN TeamAdd to VLC media player's Playlist, Play, Play with VLC media playerHigh
vlc.exe VLC media playerthe VideoLAN TeamAdd to VLC media player's Playlist, Play, Play with VLC media playerVery High
vmnt.exeWinCDEmuWinCDEmu MounterBazisopen, Select drive letter mountMedium
vmnt.exe   openLow
vmnt64.exeWinCDEmuWinCDEmu MounterBazisopen, Select drive letter mountLow


分类名详细说明Perceived Type内容类型DLL/EXE FileDLL/EXE Details流行程度
AIMP.cueAIMP3: CUE Sheet  aimp_icons.dll Low
AlcoholImageFile   shell32.dllWindows Shell Common Dll, Microsoft CorporationLow
Audio.cue     Low
BazisVirtualCD.CueCUE CD/DVD image  shell32.dllWindows Shell Common Dll, Microsoft CorporationLow
BazisVirtualCD.CueCUE Sheet for CD/DVD image  shell32.dllWindows Shell Common Dll, Microsoft CorporationMedium
BurrrnBurrrn Cue File  Burrrn.exeBurrrn, Gambit (burrrn@burrrn.net)Low
CUEcards.DatenbankCUEcards Datenbank  cuecards.exeCUEcards®2000, Marcus Humann Software-TechnikLow
CueFile     Low
cueRCCopy33.FileCUE Image File  Roxio_Central33.exe Medium
cueRCCopy36.FileCUE Image File  Roxio_Central36.exe Low
cueRCCopy50.FileCUE Image File  RoxioCentralFx.exe Low
cue_auto_file     Low
CUE_Splitter.fileCueSheet file  CUE_Splitter.exe Low
DAEMON.Tools.Lite   daemon.exeDAEMON Tools Lite, DT Soft LtdMedium
DAEMON.Tools.Pro   DTPro.exeDAEMON Tools Pro, DT Soft LtdLow
DiscCopier Document   DiscCopier.exeRoxio Disc Copier, RoxioLow
foobar2000.CUECue sheet    Low
gBurnergBurner File  gBurner.exegBurner, gBurner Systems, Inc.Low
ImgBurn.AssocFile.cueImage File  ImgBurn.exeImgBurn - The Ultimate Image Burner!, LIGHTNING UK!Low
irdiscimageInfraRecorder disc image    Low
irisoInfraRecorder disc image    Low
IsoBuster.cueCUE Image  IsoBuster.exeThe Ultimate CD/DVD/BD Recovery tool, Smart ProjectsLow
Nero.BurningROM.10.cue.1Image Files  _7473FD9E_CB93_4669_A914_2BC912FF0D09InstallShield, Acresso Software Inc.Low
Nero.Express.10.cue.1Image Files  _7473FD9E_CB93_4669_A914_2BC912FF0D09InstallShield, Acresso Software Inc.Low
NeroBurningROM.Files7.cueImage Files  nero.exeNero Burning ROM, Nero AGLow
NeroBurningROM.Files7.cueVLC media file (.cue)  vlc.exeVLC media player, the VideoLAN TeamLow
NeroBurningROM.Files8.cueArquivos de Imagem  nero.exeNero Burning ROM, Nero AGLow
NeroBurningROM.Files8.cueCD-Kalip dosyasi  nero.exeNero Burning ROM, Nero AGLow
NeroBurningROM.Files8.cueArchivos de imagen  nero.exeNero Burning ROM, Nero AGLow
NeroBurningROM.Files9.cueImage-Dateien  Nero.exeNero Burning ROM, Nero AGLow
NeroBurningROM.Files9.cueImage Files  Nero.exeNero Burning ROM, Nero AGMedium
NeroExpress.Files7.cueImage-Dateien    Low
NeroExpress.Files7.cueArchivos de imagen  nero.exeNero Burning ROM, Nero AGLow
NeroExpress.Files9.cueImage Files  NeroExpress.exeNero Express, Nero AGLow
NeroExpress.Files9.cueFile di immagine  NeroExpress.exeNero Express, Nero AGLow
qvodplayer.cue   QvodRes.dll Low
UniExtractUniversal Extractor Archive    Medium
UniExtract     Low
VLC.cueVLC media file (.cue)  vlc.exeVLC media player, the VideoLAN TeamVery High


civ4replay   coverage   daa   eal   ivr   joe   jsfl   mdr   mem   p7s   pfm   pgx   r58   rawraw   rmg   rpln   s3z   tlb   vmxf   wm  
