


本工具收集各类扩展名文件,一共有8000多种,通过查找能够方便知道各种文件的所属格式,以及它的打开方式。遇到自己不清楚的类型文件,试试该工具。可以方便查到能够编辑该文件的工具。 华纳云_CN2物理服务器688元/月_5M CN2云240元/年


常见文件格式: asx   dbx   epf   fad   fnd   glk   h1w   hxs   idl   job   mlc   msp   nrc   opc   pot   ps   rt   sog   wmv   xlm  


AIMP3.exeAIMP3AIMP3AIMP DevTeamopenLow
bsplayer.exeBSPlayer Pro v2.53BS.PlayerWebtehEnqueue in BSPlayer, Play in BSPlayerLow
coolplayer.exe   CoolPlayer Play, CoolPlayer Queue, OpenLow
DTAgent.exeDAEMON Tools ProDAEMON Tools Pro AgentDT Soft LtdopenLow
DTLite.exeDAEMON Tools LiteDAEMON Tools LiteDT Soft LtdopenLow
foobar2000.exefoobar2000 Applicationfoobar2000 Enqueue in foobar2000, Open in foobar2000, Play in foobar2000Medium
ImgBurn.exeImgBurnImgBurn - The Ultimate Image Burner!LIGHTNING UK!Brennen mit ImgBurnLow
inventoria.exe Inventoria Stock ManagerNCH SoftwareConvert sound fileLow
JetAudio.exejetAudiojetAudioJetAudio, Inc.OpenLow
MediaInfo.exeMediaInfoRead info about media fileshttp://mediainfo.sourceforge.netMediaInfoHigh
MediaMonkey.exeMediaMonkeyMediaMonkey - Audio LibraryVentis Media Inc.Play in MediaMonkey, Play next in MediaMonkey, Play last in MediaMonkey, openLow
mpc-hc.exeMedia Player Classic - HomecinemaMedia Player Classic - Homecinemampc-hc@SourceforgeAdd to MPC Playlist, Play with MPCLow
mpc-hc.exeMedia Player Classic - Home CinemaMedia Player Classic - Home CinemaMPC-HC TeamAdd to MPC playlist, Play with MPCMedium
mpc-hc.exe   openLow
mpc-hc64.exeMedia Player Classic - Home CinemaMedia Player Classic - Home CinemaMPC-HC TeamopenLow
mpc-hc64.exeMedia Player Classic - HomecinemaMedia Player Classic - Homecinemampc-hc@SourceforgeopenLow
mplayerc.exeMedia Player Classic - HomecinemaMedia Player Classic - Homecinemampc-hc@SourceforgeAdd to MPC Playlist, Play with MPCMedium
mplayerc.exeMedia Player ClassicMedia Player ClassicGabestAdd to MPC Playlist, Play with MPCLow
pixillion.exe Pixillion Image ConverterNCH SoftwareConvert sound fileLow
ShowTime.exeNero ShowTimeNero ShowTimeNero AGAbspielenLow
smplayer_portable.exe   Enqueue in SMPlayer, openLow
Spider.exeSpider PlayerSpider PlayerVIT Software, LLCopenLow
switch   Convert with Switch Sound File ConverterLow
vlc.exe VLC media playerthe VideoLAN TeamAdd to VLC media player's Playlist, Play, Play with VLC media playerHigh
vlc.exeVLC media playerVLC media playerthe VideoLAN TeamAdd to VLC media player's Playlist, Play, Play with VLC media playerHigh
wavepad.exeWavePadWavePad Sound EditorNCH SoftwareBatch Convert with WavePad Sound Editor, Convert sound file, Edit with WavePad Sound Editor, Batch Convert with WavePad Sound Editor, Edit with WavePad Sound EditorLow
wavepad.exe WavePad Sound EditorNCH SoftwareBatch Convert with WavePad Sound Editor, Edit with WavePad Sound Editor, Batch Convert with WavePad Sound Editor, Edit with WavePad Sound EditorLow
winamp.exeWinampWinampNullsoftEnqueue in Winamp, Enqueue Play in Winamp, Add to Winamp's Bookmark list, open, Play in Winamp, Add to Winamp's Media LibraryHigh
wmplayer.exeMicrosoft®Windows®Operating SystemWindows Media PlayerMicrosoft CorporationPlayMedium
wmplayer.exe   open, PlayLow
XMPlay.exe XMPlayUn4seen DevelopmentsOpen with XMPlayLow


分类名详细说明Perceived Type内容类型DLL/EXE FileDLL/EXE Details流行程度
 FLAC Audio file  mpciconlib.dll Low
AIMP.flacAIMP3: Free Lossless Audioaudio aimp_icons.dll Low
Audio.flac     Low
AuditionFile_flacAIMP3: Free Lossless Audio  aimp_icons.dll Low
BSPlayerFile.FLACBSplayer PRO file  bsplayer.exeBS.Player, WebtehLow
CoolPlayer.AudioCoolPlayer Audio fileaudio coolplayer.exe Low
DAEMON.Tools.Lite audioaudio/flacDTLite.exeDAEMON Tools Lite, DT Soft LtdLow
DAEMON.Tools.Pro   DTPro.exeDAEMON Tools Pro, DT Soft LtdLow
FLACFile     Medium
flacfileFLAC Fileaudio   Medium
flac_auto_fileAIMP2 Audio Fileaudio   Low
foobar2000.FLACFLACaudio   Low
ImgBurn.AssocFile.flacImage Fileaudioaudio/x-flacImgBurn.exeImgBurn - The Ultimate Image Burner!, LIGHTNING UK!Low
KLCP.WMP.flacFLAC Audio Fileaudio wmplayer.exeWindows Media Player, Microsoft CorporationMedium
KMPlayer.flacFLAC    Low
MediaMonkey.FLACFileFLAC Audio File  MediaMonkey.exeMediaMonkey - Audio Library, Ventis Media Inc.Low
MediaMonkey.FLACFileFLAC Audio Datei  MediaMonkey.exeMediaMonkey - Audio Library, Ventis Media Inc.Low
mplayerc.flacFLAC fileaudio mpciconlib.dll Low
mplayerc.flacFLAC Audio file  mpciconlib.dll High
mplayerc.flacFLACaudioaudio/flac  Low
MPlayerFileAudioMPlayer Audio File  smplayer_portable.exe Low
NeroShowTime.Files9.flacFree Lossless Audio Codec  ShowTime.exeNero ShowTime, Nero AGLow
qvodplayer.flac   QvodRes.dll Low
Spider.Player.FLACSpider Player audio file (FLAC)    Low
VLC.flacFLAC audio file  mpciconlib.dllMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema Icon Library, MPC-HC TeamLow
VLC.flacFLAC Fileaudio icons.dllCodec Icons pack, Shark007Low
VLC.flacVLC media file (.flac)  vlc.exeVLC media player, the VideoLAN TeamVery High
Winamp.FileWinamp media file  winamp.exeWinamp, NullsoftLow
Winamp.File.FLACFree Lossless Audio Codec Fileaudio winamp.exeWinamp, NullsoftHigh
Winamp.File.FLACFree Lossless Audio Codec Datei  winamp.exeWinamp, Nullsoft, Inc.Low
Winamp.File.FLAC     Low
Winamp.File.FLACFLACaudio   Low
WMP11.AssocFile.FLACFLAC Format Soundaudioaudio/wavwmploc.DLLWindows Media Player Resources, Microsoft CorporationLow
XMPlayXMPlay-able file  XMPlay.exeXMPlay, Un4seen DevelopmentsLow
YMP.Media     Low


apt   dox   ezhex   fsh   kep   met   mob   msa   pch   poet   polargolfersavedgame   recordnowsendtoext   rnc   rum   sense   xoml   zx13   386   83c   995  
