


本工具收集各类扩展名文件,一共有8000多种,通过查找能够方便知道各种文件的所属格式,以及它的打开方式。遇到自己不清楚的类型文件,试试该工具。可以方便查到能够编辑该文件的工具。 华纳云_CN2物理服务器688元/月_5M CN2云16元/月


常见文件格式: amr   aw   evo   fli   hxq   inl   isz   nr3   pfm   ps1   psw   qpa   r21   sln   tar   wdp   wht   wms   xsn   8ba  


BootVis.exePerfVis NT Performance ToolPerfVis NT Performance ToolMicrosoft CorporationOpenLow
gBurner.exegBurnergBurnergBurner Systems, Inc.openLow
ImgBurn.exeImgBurnImgBurn - The Ultimate Image Burner!LIGHTNING UK!Burn using ImgBurnMedium
IsoBuster.exeIsoBusterThe Ultimate CD/DVD/BD Recovery toolSmart ProjectsExtract, openLow
IZArc.exeIZArcIZArc Archiver OpenLow
NOTEPAD.EXEMicrosoft®Windows®Operating SystemNotepadMicrosoft Corporationedit, openLow
NOTEPAD.EXESistema operativo Microsoft®WindowsBloc de notasMicrosoft Corporationedit, openLow
POWERARC.EXEPowerArchiver 2010PowerArchiver 2010ConeXware, Inc.OpenLow
POWERARC.EXEPowerArchiver 2011PowerArchiver 2011ConeXware, Inc.OpenLow
smplayer_portable.exe   Enqueue in SMPlayer, openLow
StuffIt11.exeStuffIt11 ApplicationStuffIt11 ApplicationSmith Micro Software, Inc.Open with StuffIt 11Low
StuffIt13.exeStuffIt ApplicationStuffIt ApplicationSmith Micro Software, Inc.Open with StuffItLow
TUGZip.exeTUGZipTUGZip archiver OpenLow
uedit32.exeUltraEdit-32UltraEdit-32 Professional Text/Hex EditorIDM Computer Solutions, Inc.open, printLow
uedit32.exeUltraEditUltraEdit Professional Text/Hex EditorIDM Computer Solutions, Inc.Open, PrintLow
UltraISO.exeUltraISO PremiumUltraISO PremiumEZB Systems, Inc.Convert to ISO, openMedium
uniextract.exe Universal Extractor Extraer en la Subcarpeta con UniExtractLow
VCDMount.exeElaborate Bytes VCDMountMount Files with Virtual CloneDriveElaborate Bytes AGopenMedium
vlc.exeVLC media playerVLC media playerthe VideoLAN TeamAdd to VLC media player's Playlist, Play, Play with VLC media playerHigh
vlc.exe VLC media playerthe VideoLAN TeamAdd to VLC media player's Playlist, Play, Play with VLC media playerHigh
vmnt.exeWinCDEmuWinCDEmu MounterBazisSelect drive letter mountLow
XVI32.exeXVI32Hex Editor XVI32www.chmaas.handshake.deopenLow


分类名详细说明Perceived Type内容类型DLL/EXE FileDLL/EXE Details流行程度
binimageUltraISO File  UltraISO.exeUltraISO Premium, EZB Systems, Inc.Low
binimageBIN File  UltraISO.exeUltraISO Premium, EZB Systems, Inc.Medium
binimageVLC media file (.bin)  vlc.exeVLC media player, the VideoLAN TeamLow
bin_auto_file     Low
Bootvis Trace FileBootvis Trace File    Low
Crestron SIMPL Windows Compiled Program     Low
elby.VCDMount.1Virtual CloneDrive application/bin  Medium
elby.VCDMount.1     Low
gBurnergBurner File  gBurner.exegBurner, gBurner Systems, Inc.Low
ImgBurn.AssocFile.binImage File  ImgBurn.exeImgBurn - The Ultimate Image Burner!, LIGHTNING UK!Low
IsoBuster.binBIN Image  IsoBuster.exeThe Ultimate CD/DVD/BD Recovery tool, Smart ProjectsLow
IZArcBINIZArc BIN Archive    Low
MPlayerFileVideoMPlayer Video File  smplayer_portable.exe Low
PAISOPowerArchiver ISO File    Low
StuffIt.Archive.Open.GenericStuffIt Archive application/stuffitNonLocalizedResources.dllStuffIt Resources DLL, Smith Micro Software, Inc.Low
StuffIt11.Archive.Open.GenericStuffIt Archive application/stuffitResources_English.dllStuffIt Resources Dynamic Link Library, Smith Micro Software, Inc.Low
TzBINTUGZip BIN image  TzRes.dll Low
UltraEdit.bin     Low
UltraEdit.binUltraEdit Document (.bin)    Low
VLC.binUltraEdit Document (.bin}texttext/plainvlc.exeVLC media player, the VideoLAN TeamLow
VLC.binVLC media file (.bin)  vlc.exeVLC media player, the VideoLAN TeamVery High


ac$   cds   dba   fodg   geany   h1v   mdt   mp3pro   obz   psh   r41   rdlc   rwsd   sfofsavegame   vsmacros   wda   wsr   xbap   xweb4wfdoclib   _ps  
